These are the hidden signs of disease and could be signs of toxic load.   My Ditch the Diet, stop eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) and cut the CRAP (Carbonated, refines, artificial, processed) foods class will help you discover how to eat for health.  My  next class begins July 26, 2020 a d … Continue reading HIDDEN SIGNS YOU HAVE TOXIC LOAD AND ARE NOT AS HEALTHY AS YOU THINK. WHEN IT BUILDS UP TO A CERTAIN POINT IT TOPPLES OVER INTO DISEASE

DIVERSITY-Eat all the colors, eat a variety of colors of each veggie and fruit, eat them close together for the fabulous synergy they create in your body.

Eat the entire rainbow of fruits and vegetables, because diversity is important. Recently it has been discovered that there are 25000 phytonutrients in fruits and veggies. But that does not mean that every red item has the same phytonutrients as its neighbor. A red radish has different gifts from a red raspberry. (They are healthy, … Continue reading DIVERSITY-Eat all the colors, eat a variety of colors of each veggie and fruit, eat them close together for the fabulous synergy they create in your body.

Cheryl’s books available on Amazon and on Heavenly Tree Press.com

To learn more about Cheryl's books, see Cheryl Meyer's author page on Amazon  https://bit.ly/cherauthorpg Or go to Cheryl's Publishing house website https://heavenlytreepress.com   Introduction- We have a healthcare problem in the US because we have a toxin problem.  Toxins are in our food, our cosmetics, our water, our cleaning supplies, our air, and our environment … Continue reading Cheryl’s books available on Amazon and on Heavenly Tree Press.com

What Does Food and Good Health Mean to You?

Reprint of article I wrote for the Wellness Universe 4/28/18 http://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/food-good-health-mean-to-you/ Sing to me Muse and through me, tell the story. — Robert Fitzgerald What is Food to You? Is food, love? Is food, community? Is food, energy? Is food, pleasure? Is food, sustenance? Is food, power? Is food, happiness? Is food, life? Is food, nutrients? … Continue reading What Does Food and Good Health Mean to You?

Live Onward and Upward as a cancer survivor

Upcoming Event This Wed Feb 28, Erin Ley will interview me on the topic of cancer and toxins. Cancer survivors have first been attacked by the cancer, and then by the cancer treatment. They can not afford to allow all of the toxins into their everyday life if they want to Live Onward and Upward … Continue reading Live Onward and Upward as a cancer survivor

Thrive Onward and Upward with Cancer

QUALITY OF LIFE MATTERS I would like to invite you to join 21 experts in health and cancer and listen to  Erin Ley's Thrive Onward and Upward with Cancer Symposium. This online series can "Instantly Boost Your Quality Of Life Post-Diagnosis!" I am honored to be a speaker in this series.  After I finished writing It … Continue reading Thrive Onward and Upward with Cancer

Autoimmune Disease and Inflammation How to put out the flames of inflammation My first published article. From Consumer health digest

Editor's Note: This article has been recently updated with latest information and research studies. Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease are rapidly on the rise in the US. 53 million Americans have an autoimmune disease, mostly females. (This includes 1 in 5 females and 1 in 7 males.) Autoimmune diseases are growing at ever increasing* rates, to … Continue reading Autoimmune Disease and Inflammation How to put out the flames of inflammation My first published article. From Consumer health digest

A health coach muses on what Autoimmune Disease is

What is Autoimmune Disease?  A Health Muses understanding Autoimmune diseases are the number 1 health malady in the United States. In total there are more than 100 of them.  They are the # 1 cause of body dysfunction in the United States. What are they? Autoimmune Addison’s disease Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS) Crohn’s … Continue reading A health coach muses on what Autoimmune Disease is

What is the Functional Medicine Approach

What is the Functional Medicine approach?  Reflections on my journey to health I am often questioned about my enthusiasm for Functional Medicine.  There is not a wide spread awareness yet of this new branch of medicine. To put it bluntly, this new approach to medicine saved my life.  So, its worth me explaining. This is … Continue reading What is the Functional Medicine Approach